By Morgan Pilz, Staff Writer

Committee members Ginger Sutula, left, and
Brenda Wasack ask about ways to comply with
the bylaws and ensure every resident receives
notice about the annual meeting during the
Elections Committee meeting in the Administration Building on Friday, May 10.
(May 16, 2019) Members of the Ocean Pines Association apparently have not been receiving proper notification of the annual meeting for the past few years, and the Elections Committee intends to correct that immediately.
During the Election’s Committee meeting last Friday, Chairman Steve Habeger brought it to the committee’s attention that there had been a misstep sending out the notification about the annual public meeting, which will be held on Aug. 10 this year.
“A review of the OPA Bylaws reveals in Section 4 that all members be officially informed of the annual meeting,” Habeger said. “Over the past several years — I’m not sure how long but certainly for at least two or three years I’ve been involved in this process — we have gone into our database and deleted those people who are not in good standing. Therefore [not] everyone gets an announcement of the annual meeting and a ballot.
“Those people who are not eligible to vote do not get that package,” he continued. “That does not comply with the bylaws.”
Last year, 7,614 packets with ballots were sent out last year, Habeger said.
According to the bylaws, Section 4.04, “At the direction of the President or the Board of Directors, the Secretary shall provide written notice of the annual or a special meeting of the members to all members not less than 15 nor more than 50 days prior to the meeting. Adequate notice of a meeting shall be deemed to have been given to any member if mailed or sent electronically to the address provided by the member for this purpose.”
To comply with the bylaws and amend this mistake, Habeger said two mailings would be sent this year. The notifications may also be distributed electronically.
“One mailing will be our standard mailing with the material about the candidates, which has on the back of the front page the official announcement of the annual meeting, along with a ballot,” Habeger said. “Everyone in good standing will receive the full package. Other people will receive a letter from the association explaining why there is no ballot in that package.”
Members in good standing means they have remained up to date on their payments for all the amenities and fees associated with Ocean Pines.
The Elections Committee approved of the suggestion. If for any reason, a member does not receive a notification this year, he or she is advised to contact member services. Questions should be directed to 410-641-7717 ext. 3031 or email
As of May 10, last Friday, which was the deadline to file for the board, eight people have filed for the board, fulfilling the five-seat minimum required for an election. Of those eight, Bayside Gazette has confirmed that Larry Perrone, 63, Paula Gray, 72, Camilla Rogers, 65, and Tom Janacek, 53, are running for election.