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P.W. are unsung heroes

Most people have no idea who the public works and utility crews are in their towns and communities, or what they do beyond provide services they take for granted — until a pipe bursts or a street is impassible because of repairs, maintenance or construction.

They don’t realize, except every other year or so, the other duties they must undertake regardless of the long hours and terrible conditions.

Such was the case from Pocomoke City to Ocean Pines last week and through the weekend, when Worcester County residents everywhere found themselves wallowing in feet of snow after being walloped by an usually strong storm for this area.

Although snow is no rarity in these parts, last week’s storm dumped more of it at one time on the county that it usually receives in three or four years combined.

That, plus a near-record string of days when the temperature rose no higher than the 20s, made the idea of going anywhere implausible or impossible, depending on individual circumstances.

That, however, did not include law enforcement and other government and community association personnel, whose duty it is to see that the rest of us get to resume our normal lives as quickly and safely as possible.

From the end of last week into this Monday and Tuesday, these people pulled long, miserable shifts — some going around the clock — to do what had to be done so residents could get back to work, make their medical appointments, buy groceries, take the kids somewhere, anywhere, and just get out of the house.

From north to south, officials recognized these efforts with deserved praise and other laudatory remarks.

For the personnel who did the work, however, it just comes with the territory. Nevertheless, they should know that besides their employers, we all appreciate what they did for the rest of us.