By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer

Photo by Rachel Ravina
Berlin Falls Park Advisory Committee member Shaneka Nichols discusses plans for a bonfire
scheduled for Sept. 21 at the park on Old Ocean City Boulevard.
(July 4, 2019) The Berlin Falls Park Advisory Committee approved two proposals during its June 20 meeting.
- Park benches
Committee members approved spending for park benches for the outdoor space off Old Ocean City Boulevard.
The proposed benches cost $1,507, according to a Belson Outdoors quote. Three recycled plastic Malibu benches with black legs at six feet long cost $412 each or $1,236, and one recycled plastic cedar trail bench with an in-ground mount at six feet long costs $271.
Commission member Joan Maloof moved to approve the benches, which Councilman and Committee member Troy Purnell seconded. The vote was 5-1 in favor of purchasing the benches with Committee member Jack Orris dissenting.
“I voted no, not because I dislike benches, but to continue a practice of not spending funds until all potential grant and partnership opportunities were exhausted,” Orris said. “In the month and a half between the subcommittee presenting the benches and the whole committee voting, it appears the coordinator did not even attempt to procure outside funding.”
- Bonfire scheduled
Residents and visitors can participate in a bonfire on Sept. 21 at the park off Old Ocean City Boulevard.
Town Administrator Laura Allen said she would talk with the Berlin Fire Company and work on obtaining permits.
Committee member Shaneka Nichols, who also works as an insurance agent for Deeley Insurance Group, volunteered her company to help set up the bonfire.
“We’re always willing to roll up our sleeves and help,” Nichols said.
S’mores, hot chocolate and, possibly, cider will be provided. She added people can bring their own chairs.