Residents listen to the discussion during the May Board of Directors meeting.
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer
(May 25, 2023) The Ocean Pines Board of Directors reviewed and approved a number of revisions to resolutions and bylaws at their meeting on Saturday.
Revisions to Resolution B-02 would require any person seeking to make a public comment to attend the board of directors meeting in person.
Both directors Steve Jacobs and Colette Horn disagreed with the amendment, contending that it would not allow for full participation of members.
The revision was passed four to three. Monica Rakowski, Doug Parks, Rick Farr and Stuart Lakernick voted for the revision; Steve Jacobs, Colette Horn and Frank Daly voted against it.
The revision to Resolution B-03 would allow members to fully participate and be counted at the Ocean Pines Association annual meeting either in person or virtually. The general manager would have to ensure that only qualified members of the association are be counted toward a quorum, to vote and to participate in the meeting.
Members who are not present would be able to vote by electronic transmission, no later than 24 hours after the conclusion of the meeting, or by proxy and be considered present for a quorum proposed through their proxy.
Horn asked why the board would allow for virtual participation in the annual meeting and not the board meeting.
Jacobs suggested the difference was that board meetings are for the board to discuss business and the association meeting is on a broader scale and the changes are intended to provide the ability for members to participate and be counted without being present.
The general manager would have to certify that all individuals who participate are members in good standing.
The board agreed to table the revision until the June meeting so the general manager can address the requirements.
A revision to Resolution B05 states that directors, officers, employees, or community members of the association cannot knowingly misrepresent facts for personal gain for themselves or an affiliated company. It also states that disclosure of confidential association information without prior approval of the board is not permitted, and any conflict of interest must be fully disclosed in writing to the board of directors.
In discussion, Park said, “If we don’t state confidentiality requirements in a conflict of interest, we are missing something.”
Jacobs suggested bringing back B-08, which has to do with ethics, and would include the appropriate discussion of confidential information.
Horn countered that this resolution might not go far enough and suggested creating a new resolution that does will do the job.
The resolution was approved unanimously with the expectation that a resolution that would cover further ethics issues be addressed by the Bylaws Committee.
The revision to Resolution B-06 allows Ocean Pines to indemnify individuals who are acting in good faith and within the authorized scope of employment for reasonable expenses.
The revision was passed, unanimously.
The revision to Resolution M-06 requires the board of directors to resolve any request for a recount of votes in an election. Jacobs asked that this be referred to the Bylaws Committee with the intention of having a second reading in June.
In other business, the board unanimously approved the contract for legal services with Ayers, Jenkins, Gordy and Almand.
It also approved a capital request for $26,000 for the replacement of the platform tennis fence that was blown down in a storm.
The board approved two new members of the aquatics advisory committee, Nancy Radke and Tracy Reddell.