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Photog Poudel brings Nepal to Berlin

(June 11, 2015) Born in Nepal, 28-year-old photographer Bishal Poudel grew up surrounded by beauty, living more than 20,000 feet above sea level in a region of famous mountain ranges.
In 2005, he moved to the United States to attend college, arriving in Louisiana just days after Hurricane Katrina sent the area into a tailspin of confusion.
“It was two days after, but it was still chaos,” he said. “The traffic was stuck, and people from New Orleans, people from Shreveport, were in the college dorms because they didn’t have anywhere to go.”
Ironically, it wasn’t either locale that inspired him to turn his eye to art, but rather Ocean City, where Poudel was drawn to the beaches during summers off from college.
“I went back and forth [from Louisiana to Ocean City] for about four years,” he said. “I was working up in the fishing pier for a summer job and it was beautiful outside.”
With a little help from his boss, Poudel bought a Nikon D60 camera and “started to shoot the beach.”
“It got me and I had to keep working on it,” he said. “This is what I want to do. From here, it’s the beach and in Nepal it’s beautiful everywhere you go.”
His work, mostly landscapes, takes inspiration from everything from the sunrise along the Ocean City pier to the scenic highlights of Nepalese mountains and temples.
“I love taking pictures, but I don’t really have a theme,” he said. “I just want to go with the flow, I guess.”
Poudel will display several photographs at Baked Dessert Café in Berlin during second Friday on June 12. He plans to donate 20 percent of proceeds of sales of his work to earthquake victims in Nepal.
 “I have to do something,” he said. “I was there last November and the place where the temple was sitting down there [where he used to visit] was just gone.
“I hope people can take the memory from where I’m from and from other places, like Ocean City,” Poudel continued. “If they take something home, they’ll be helping some people and it’s almost like taking my place into their place. Hopefully, that makes them happy, and I feel happy for giving.”
Berlin’s 2nd Friday festivities feature more than a dozen art displays in shops throughout the downtown area, along with sales and specials in area restaurants from 5-8 p.m.
For more information on Poudel, visit