(Jan. 8, 2015) The Ocean Pines Anglers Club announced the 2014 fishing contest winners during its final meeting of the year. Winners were presented a cash prize and certificate.
Winners were: Eric Bruder, 20-inch large mouth bass; Larry Eberly, 27 1/4-inch flounder; John Jewer, 19-inch bluefish (tie); Bill Bundy, 15-inch fresh water trout, 19-inch bluefish (tie); Kevin Welkner, 19-inch tautog, 19 1/4-inch Weakfish; Greg Donahue, 44-inch striped bass and Clifford Moore, 18-inch black sea bass.
Winners were: Eric Bruder, 20-inch large mouth bass; Larry Eberly, 27 1/4-inch flounder; John Jewer, 19-inch bluefish (tie); Bill Bundy, 15-inch fresh water trout, 19-inch bluefish (tie); Kevin Welkner, 19-inch tautog, 19 1/4-inch Weakfish; Greg Donahue, 44-inch striped bass and Clifford Moore, 18-inch black sea bass.