Diana McDonough’s new book, “My Mother’s Apprentice,” follows her 2017 debut novel, “Stuck in the Onesies.” According to the author, “The characters are basically kind of polar opposites when it comes to political views … One is from the deep south and one’s from [Washington], D.C. So, it shows their evolution over the course of many years, from how things change in their minds and their thoughts with regards to racism and women’s rights. Basically, they’re trying to become independent women without burning their bras.”
(Feb. 14, 2019) Ocean Pines author Diana McDonough recently published a sequel to her first book, “Stuck in the Onesies,” which will be available for purchase on Amazon.com starting on Thursday, Feb. 28.
McDonough has been a resident of Ocean Pines for nearly three decades. She worked at a local Ecolab for many years, before retiring in 2016.
Her first book in the series, released in 2017, is set in Washington, D.C. and tells the story of the pursuit of women’s and civil rights during the 1960s.
For the sequel, McDonough moved to a more southerly location.
“They say ‘write what you know,’ so I’m living vicariously through my characters by hanging out in Jamaica with them,” McDonough said. “Having spent time doing mission work and vacationing there, I hope to give my readers the true experience of living on the best tropical island there is, while its characters deal with real-life issues.”
Her first book took a decade to complete, but was popular enough to merit a sequel, she said.
“My Mother’s Apprentice” tells the story of the second generation, Karen and Ginger. Their paths might have been trailblazed by their mothers, but Karen and Ginger find many new ones to blaze on their own. Karen does a good job as her “mother’s apprentice,” but Ginger chases a singing career to Jamaica in the midst of the 1970s reggae explosion. Meanwhile Karen, an aspiring author, initially finds she doesn’t need to go any farther than her own backyard.
“My Mother’s Apprentice” spans more than three decades and is a story of friendship, addiction, and learning to navigate the consequences of one’s choices.
“The characters are basically kind of polar opposites when it comes to political views,” McDonough said. “One is from the deep south and one’s from [Washington], D.C. So, it shows their evolution over the course of many years, from how things change in their minds and their thoughts with regards to racism and women’s rights. Basically, they’re trying to become independent women without burning their bras.”
The series will be a trilogy with the third novel, “Ginger Star,” taking the reader to 18th century Jamaica during a time when pirates ruled and women didn’t.
“It just shows how people that are polar opposites can still love one another,” McDonough said. “It resonates with today’s world with how we can all be so different with opposing views, and yet still love each other and take care of each other.”
The book can be preordered for Kindle for $7.99. Paperback copies will be available for $15.99 at the end of the month at The Greyhound in Berlin, Bethany Beach Bookstore in Bethany Beach, Delaware, and at Browseabout Books in Rehoboth, Delaware.
McDonough will hold a book signing at The Greyhound on Saturday, May 11 from noon until 3 p.m.
For more information or to learn more about McDonough’s books, visit her website at www.dianamcdonough.com or visit the “My Mother’s Apprentice” Facebook page.