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Pines bulkhead contract up for discussion

(Sept. 7, 2017) When the new Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors meets for the first time during a regular meeting, on Friday, Sept. 29, among the items up for discussion will be clearing up confusion on the status of the bulkhead replacement initiative.
Board President Doug Parks said this week a contract with Hi-Tide Marine Construction, signed by interim General Manager Brett Hill in October, was for emergency bulkhead work – not necessarily replacement.
“The intent was to have a contractor on retainer to address issues if/when they arose,” Parks said. “The bulkhead replacement initiative is a separate long-term effort to address the requirements for maintaining the bulkheads as they approach the end of their product use life.”
Last week, the Gazette obtained a copy of the contract signed in October. It is unclear if that document would be overwritten by a board vote on bulkheads that occurred during a meeting on July 28.
A bid sheet included in the July 28 meeting packet listed base bids for “full and complete construction of maximum 6 feet face bulkhead section(s)” priced, per linear foot, from McGinty Marine ($365), Fisher Marine ($355), Murtech Marine ($279), Rehak’s ($525) and Hi-Tide ($226.79).
Hill recommended awarding a three-year contract to Hi-Tide, but the directors compromised on a one-year deal, with options for two more years.
At the time, Hill said the company was the lowest bidder that responded to a request for proposals. The search was conducted by Davis, Bowen & Friedel Inc.
However, the contract signed in October appears to contain language for an exclusive, five-year deal.
Under payment terms, conditions and exclusions, a portion of the contract states, “Price is based upon continuous contract for 5 years with an optional extension for 5 years if mutually agreed upon by both parties …
With this contract OPA agrees to Hi-Tide being the preferred contractor of Ocean Pines Association and that Hi-Tide will perform all work for OPA during the contract period.”
Hill signed the contract as “Brett C. Hill Acting GM” on Oct. 5, 2016. The signature page states, “this will be your contract should you choose to proceed.”
“While the board did approve a contract with Hi-Tide at the July 28 meeting … additional discussion is required by the board to review the process that was followed and confirm that we are in compliance with our governing documents regarding the award of a contract to Hi-Tide in October of 2016,” Parks said.
“We anticipate having this item on the agenda for the Sept. 29 board meeting,” he continued.