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Pines committee nears finish line with online survey

(Sept. 15, 2016) A draft survey of the community is close to complete and four members of the Ocean Pines Association Comprehensive Planning Committee have tested its questionnaire using the online SurveyMonkey tool.
With that accomplished, it appears that the committee has recovered after having spent the better part of the year regrouping a falling out with a previous contractor hired to create, implement and analyze a similar study designed to gather data for a new comprehensive plan.
During a meeting on Sept. 8, the committee fined-tuned several survey questions based on recommendations from Facilities Manager Jerry Aveta.
Committee members also went over a sample of a presentation to the board of directors, but Aveta suggested they greatly streamline it.
He said he had recently tried to brief the current board in detail on the project and was “cut to the knees in two minutes.”
“I’m beseeching you to communicate with the board very simply and very clearly,” he said. “If you send this to the board like this they’re going to have the same … reaction I just had.
“A simple visual is more successful than complex and long,” he added. “I can’t stress that enough.”
The committee members agreed, trimming several pages from a proposed PowerPoint. What remained was a short mission statement, a single, generalized page on comprehensive plans, committee recommendations related to the survey, and a sample of the questionaire.
Daly had hoped to tell the board that the full presentation was ready, but he said this week the committee would meet one more time before that happens. That meeting is scheduled for  Thursday at 4:30 p.m. at the community center.