(Jan. 2, 2020) With the new year underway, organizers with the Ocean Pines Community Gardens are now soliciting reservations for plots during 2020.
Co-organizer Tracy Jones said a small waiting list has formed, while past participants are contacted to confirm continued involvement with the garden area in the Manklin Meadows complex next to the playground.
“We have about 10 open plots right now,” she said.
The precise availability will be confirmed soon, Jones said.
“There are some people who have left,” she said. “Some moved out of the area or couldn’t handle the weeds anymore.”
Jones said anyone interested in signing up or requiring further information should contact either her at 215-990-1537 or

Photo courtesy: Ocean Pines Association
Plot assignments for the 2020 growing season are currently being conveyed for the Ocean Pines Community Gardens.
at 410-641-7978.
“We give them a tour of the garden and we tell them what’s available,” she said. “We have a big shed and the garden has all the tools people need.”
Jones said short of sweat equity, required implements such as shovels and wheel barrels are provided.
“Really, all you need to do is bring your own plants, hand tools and plant,” she said.
The cost to join the Ocean Pines Community Gardens is $27.50 per plot, which includes a trio of four-foot-by-eight-foot raised garden beds. The cost for two plot areas is $55.
“We provide mulch and some compost soil in the spring,” she said.
Jones said while warmer weather remains on the distant horizon, initial soil tilling and planting of certain freeze-resistant crops could begin by February.
“We want to get people in as early as they want to take a look at their plot,” she said. “You can start planting some things like radishes, snow and snap peas, broccoli, [or] cauliflower.”
Participants are left to decide what vegetables, fruits or flowers to grow, with the primary challenge stemming from invasive weeds, which Jones said does require regular attention to maintain.
“You’ve got to keep on top of the weeds,” she said. “Weeds don’t go on vacation.”