By Greg Ellison
(March 12, 2020) Outlining advisory committee board liaison responsibilities, establishing formalized procedures for posting meeting agendas and documenting actions proposed for board consideration were examined during the Ocean Pines Association Executive Council meeting on Monday.
OPA President Doug Parks said the executive council is comprised of advisory committee chairs.
In terms of conduct and committee meeting formats, Parks said a standardized procedure is needed for submitting agendas before each group’s gatherings.
“It would also promote more exposure of advisory committees to the community,” he said.
Parks said a proposed amendment to resolution C01 involves use of a “charging document” for committee proposals sent for board consideration.
“Committees can originate issues or actions for board consideration,” he said. “You could possibly reference interactions in the future if relevant.”
Parks also noted committee particulars tend to vary by areas of oversight with flexibility required.
“Do we want to capture that information?” he said. “We’re not trying here for a stringent approach.”
Parks also highlighted work with Communications Committee Chairwoman Jenny Cropper Rines and board liaison Dr. Colette Horn to develop an online “residents academy” to provide refresher courses for committees or information for larger membership.
Horn said one related resolution change under consideration would add language to specify where to submit committee meeting minutes and would also require liaisons to forward relevant points for subsequent board review.
Bylaws and Resolutions Committee Chairman Jim Trummel said agenda postings vary by committee and are sporadic in some instances.
Trummel suggested instituting precise procedures for posting meeting agendas online.
Parks concurred a more formalized approach is warranted.
“Postings provide historical records of agendas and meeting minutes,” he said.
Parks said board meeting agendas are required to be posted three days in advance.
“Maybe not that stringent but probably something prior,” he said. “You can always amend agendas at the beginning of a meeting.”
Horn highlighted the potential advantage of increasing community involvement with OPA Advisory Committees.
“Posting information may help encourage involvement,” she said.
Parks said that whatever approach is decided upon should be publicized to expose committee work to the Ocean Pines community.
Bylaws and Resolutions Committee board liaison

Environment & Natural Assets Committee member Marty Clarke stands up to peruse the evenings agenda during the OPA Executive Council meeting on Tuesday.
raised the importance of establishing a formalized template to reduce the risk of subsequent legal challenges.
“Our position is better if we follow a standard format,” she said.
Horn said related resolution changes would be presented during the board meeting next month.