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Pines hits pause on electronic sign purchase for now

By Greg Ellison

(Jan. 27, 2022) The Ocean Pines Board of Directors on Saturday delayed approving a pair of electronic message boards to replace existing marquees until they find out more about the permits from Worcester County government.

Association President Colette Horn said the purpose of the new signs is to improve safety and provide timely community updates.

“We could get timely information to the community related to safety concerns,” she said. “We want to determine next steps from the board perspective.”

The proposal to switch the old signs for the electronic message boards was initiated by the Ocean Pines Communications Committee, which recommended initially purchasing two signs to gauge community sentiment.

Director Larry Perrone said county officials had indicated any investment in electronic signs would require removal of all existing marquee signs.

“If we’re going to rip the rest of them down, I don’t think two is adequate,” he said. “That changes the math tremendously.”

General Manager John Viola reviewed price quotes obtained, all of which indicated a pair of electronic signs would run at least $70,000.

Viola expressed concern that replacing the larger number of manually-updated signs with just two electronic models would prove insufficient and eventually require an additional investment.

“The number would be well over $200,000,” he said.

Director Frank Daly said the manually updated signs requires one staff member one day a week to change the messages.

“It would require 26 years to recoup the investment,” he said.

Daly noted alternative means for emergency notification exist, such as cell phones and radio announcements.

“If we’re … spending $200,000 for emergency notification, would it be better to spend $300,000 for an emergency notice system to notify residents by cell phone?” he asked.

Director Doug Parks said the essential question is how residents consume information.

“We’re making the assumption that the primary source of information is the sign,” he said.

Parks backed Daly’s suggestion that alternative emergency notice systems be investigated.

“I would be curious to gauge what people’s primary source of information is for Ocean Pines,” he said. “This has got to be sustainable for some period of time based on that investment.”

Communications Committee Chair Cheryl Jacobs suggested association officials contact Worcester County to confirm the need to remove marquee signs if electronic upgrades are acquired.

“We need clarity from Worcester County,” she said.

Jacobs said based on previous discussions with county officials committee members were not under the impression that the sign change was an either-or scenario.

“We did understand more than one or two signs was necessary,” she said. “That’s why we got permission to go up to eight.”

Horn said before proceeding with sign purchases the Communications Committee should provide recommendations regarding the total price to replace the existing marquee signs.

“We have to understand this is going to be a very expensive proposition,” she said.