Flower cart will be part of what would be developed into small garden center
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer
(March 18, 2021) The Historic District Commission unanimously approved the concept of a pocket park with fresh landscaping and community seating at 2 Bay St. near Baked Dessert Café during its meeting on March 10.
“I am over the moon about this project,” said Carol Rose, who was re-elected as chair of the commission. Robert Poli was also re-elected as vice chairman.

The Berlin Historic District Commission approved a request from Hunter Smith to create a pocket park at 2 Bay St. with an enclosed portable retail space, called Mother Flowers, to sell locally grown flowers and produce.
Hunter Smith from Fathom, 14 N. Main St., presented an enclosed portable retail space, called Mother Flowers, in the drive-through section of the former PNC Bank property to sell locally grown flowers and produce. A flower cart will be made from aluminum and maple wood.
“The exterior of the cart that we have is white, but we’re thinking about having terracotta on the white … and the natural wood border and the greenery of course,” Smith said.
The back of the cart will be able to open for fresh air in the limited retail space.
The flower cart will also have four wheels, so it can be moved if necessary.
“I’ll have displayed items that can be moveable as well,” Smith said.
She added that the plan is to create a garden center in the space, offering pots and soil.
Rose said the flower cart should be approved as a permanent fixture.
“I can’t see the need to have you every day bring it back and forth,” Rose said.
Dave Engelhart, the town’s planning director, added that Mother Flowers will not be open during the hours of the Berlin Farmers Market on Sundays.
“I guess this is more of a permanent farmers market idea,” Smith said. “We’re going to try to source things from a lot of the local farmers, flower farmers and produce farmers.”
In addition, the commission advised Smith to add a surveillance camera to the cart for security.