Terri Westcott

Nicole Caudell
(Nov. 1, 2018) This person won’t set your tax rate, won’t fix the potholes in your street or pursue streetlights on your block. But she will be responsible for helping people get through a difficult time with the administration of a loved one’s will, or with someone who died intestate, or without a will.
Political affiliation is hardly an issue in this contest, yet the rules of the ballot require that each party identify candidates.
Republican Terresa “Terri” Delaney Westcott, 54, is looking to move up from her position as chief deputy register of wills under Register of Wills Charlotte Cathell to the post Cathell will be leaving with her retirement at the end of the year. Westcott has worked in this office for 18 years.
She is being challenged by Democrat Nicole Caudell, 36, who also works in the Worcester County Courthouse in Snow Hill, just across the hall as a clerk of the criminal court.
Caudell holds a degree from Temple University and says she hopes to help people gain a better understanding of probate and estate planning.