The Town of Berlin is in the process of replacing water meters. The crew is currently working in the green area and will move clockwise through the other areas.
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer
(Jan. 11, 2024) Public Works crews have started to replace water meters in Berlin with a new Smart Water Meter that will wirelessly transmit water use data. The data will improve the accuracy of water meter billing, according to town officials.
Crews will replace meters during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Meters at bigger businesses and schools might be changed out later in the night or on weekends. The process for a residence takes 15-30 minutes. The team is averaging about 10 minutes a meter this week, according to Jimmy Charles, the town’s director of Public Works.
The meter replacement has started this week in Decatur Farms. Workers will knock on the door before they shut off the water, Charles said. After the meter is replaced, they will put a door hanger at each residence alerting them to the replacement and providing instructions.
Residents are encouraged to flush the water system for 5 to 10 minutes to clear any sediment or discoloration in the water line.
In order to help speed up the replacement effort, residents are asked to clear plants, mulch and trees away from the meters. If the area is not cleared, plantings will be removed by the crew.
By town code, residents are responsible for keeping meters unobstructed, according to Mary Bohlen, the town administrator.
Keeping the meters clear of plantings also helps if there is an emergency and the water needs to be shut off.
The meter replacement timeline is on the bills. Charles reported during the council meeting that his department cans replace about 10-15 meters a day.
There is no change in the billing structure, according to Mayor Zack Tyndall. “The only thing you may experience, if you have an older meter, it may not be capturing all of the use. If there is a change, residents can call for a re-read, we offer that service. But that probably is your actual usage,” he said.
Within 60-90 days, most of the meters will have been changed, Charles said.