Jane Kreiter, Keith Dukes previously honored by MD Rural Water Association

Photos are displayed during a Town Council meeting last Monday of Sue Houghton, executive di- rector of Maryland Rural Water Association, presenting awards during the 29th annual conference at the Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel on 101st Street in Ocean City. Marvin Smith, left, accepts an award for Decision Maker of the Year on behalf of Water Resources and Public Works Director Jane Kreiter. Keith Dukes, right, accepts his award for Maintenance Specialist of the Year.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(May 23, 2019) Two Water Resources Department personnel who received awards for their exemplary service were praised by members of Berlin’s Mayor and Council last Monday during a Town Council meeting.
Keith Dukes was honored for Maintenance Specialist of the Year, and Jane Kreiter, Berlin’s Water Re- sources and Public Works Director, was honored as Decision Maker of the Year at the Maryland Rural Water Association’s 29th annual Conference.
Unfortunately, the room had mostly cleared out before they could be recognized.
“These kind[s] of things need to be discussed in the first agenda item,” Finance Director Natalie Saleh said.
Saleh added this wasn’t the first time departments have received recognition at the end of a meeting.
Tim Lawrence, director of Berlin’s Electric Utility, received a certification from the American Public Power Association in Washington, D.C. during an April 22 Town Council meeting.
The electric department was ranked in top 14 percent in the public power industry for six consecutive years.
Marvin Smith accepted the award on behalf of Kreiter during the conference that took place May 6-9 at the Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel on 101st Street in Ocean City.
Saleh suggested changing the agenda to reflect the positive achievements first.
“Can we change the flow so we can … show [the public], and be proud of what [we] actually achieved in the departments so that everybody can participate?” Saleh asked.
Several council members agreed.