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By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer
(Dec. 14,2023) It’s that time of the year, when the bell ringers are out in front of the stores collecting for the Salvation Army.
The Salvation Army of the Lower Eastern Shore raises funds and provides services for Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset counties.
Capt. Angel and Lt. Shawn Simmons became the new leaders of the Lower Eastern Shore Salvation Army five months ago.
“The social work aspect of our ministry is important to me,” Capt. Simmons said.
Currently, the husband and wife team are in the middle of their Angel Tree program.
In Worcester County, 250 children will receive gifts from the Angel Tree program, including toys, clothes, shoes and sometimes a jacket.
They also receive a food box with a chicken and a Christmas meal for them and their family.
While the Salvation Army coined the Angel Tree program, many other charities have used the name for their own holiday gift giving programs.
Capt. Simmons hopes to identify more sites for the Angel Tree program throughout the three counties. For any organization or businesses interested in participating in the program next year, contact salisburyMD@uss.salvationarmy.org.
The Salvation Army uses paid workers and volunteers to help with the bell ringing kettle collection each year. This year, three paid workers came through that program from Worcester County.
“Seniors and others who do not work throughout the year, get extra money for Christmas time through the program,” she said.
Simmons hopes to raise $125,000 from the “kettle program” this year to support their programs.
For families that need help with utility or rental assistance or clothing vouchers to the Salvation Army Thrift Store, contact 410-749-3077.
The Salvation Army hosts summer camp and sports programs.
There is also a mobile food pantry that travels throughout the three counties every third Monday. For locations, visit the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/salarmylesmd