The Worcester County Commissioners have approved a request from the recreation and parks department to buy a scoreboard for the Northern Worcester Athletic Complex.

A rendering for a new scoreboard at the Northern Worcester Athletic Complex is pictured.
Courtesy rendering
By Bethany Hooper, Associate Editor
County officials have approved the recreation and parks department’s request to purchase a scoreboard for the Northern Worcester Athletic Complex.
During a meeting on July 2, the Worcester County Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the department’s request to buy and install a new scoreboard at the complex. The project will be fully funded through the Local Parks and Playground Infrastructure (LPPI) program.
“These services have been quoted by Daktronics Inc. through their cooperative contract with Sourcewell,” Procurement Officer Nicholas Rice wrote in an email to the commissioners. “Local Parks and Playground Infrastructure (LPPI) funding has been approved for this project. LPPI grant funds is 100% reimbursable. The total cost for the scoreboard and installation is $43,855.”
Last August, representatives with Pop Warner Football asked the commissioners to donate a 30-year-old scoreboard previously used on Stephen Decatur’s football field. Connections with the organization said they wanted the old scoreboard to be used at the Northern Worcester Athletic Complex, where Pop Warner games are played.
Citing concerns about the cost of installation and the unknowns of accepting an old scoreboard, the commissioners at that time directed staff to research the purchase of a new board. And in September, the commissioners agreed to pursue the project.
With the scoreboard back on the consent agenda this week, Commissioner Ted Elder asked where and how high the scoreboard would be placed. Staff noted that it would be placed 10 feet above the ground.
“It will be in the back far corner of the field facing out,” Parks Superintendent Jacob Stephens added.
With no further discussion, the commissioners vote 7-0 to approve the purchase and installation of a new scoreboard.
While the board itself will cost $16,605, installation and shipping costs bring the total to $43,855. Daktronics Inc. will provide services for the project through its contract with Sourcewell, a cooperative purchasing organization that competitively awards purchasing contracts on behalf of itself and its participating agencies.
“Sourcewell follows the competitive contracting law process to solicit, evaluate, and award cooperative purchasing contracts for goods and services,” Rice wrote.