Ocean Pines Golf Clubhouse
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(July 26, 2018) Although tickets are sold out for the seventh annual Mary Mac Foundation Memorial Golf Tournament, Aug. 3 at the Ocean Pines Golf and Country Club, the foundation continues to seek hole sponsors.
Hole sponsorships for the tournament are $100.
Additionally, space is available at the Aug. 3 luncheon at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club. Tickets are $20 and the luncheon starts at 2 p.m.
Tim McMullen started the nonprofit foundation seven years ago to honor his late wife, Mary McMullen, a special education instructor at Severna Park High School and Ruth Eason School in Millersville, Maryland.
The foundation supports Camp St. Vincent de Paul in Baltimore, an organization offering eight-week summer camps for homeless children.
Mary Mac also supports Camp Barnes, a residential camp in Frankford, Delaware for low-income children.
Additionally, the Mary Mac Foundation established a scholarship at Severna Park High School in Mary’s name, and the nonprofit helps fund the education of an adopted child from Haiti.
“The more money we raise, the more we can do for these types of programs,” McMullen said in a May interview. “I know the St. Vincent de Paul program is underfunded, I’m sure Camp Barnes needs as much assistance as possible, and I think our youth programs in Ocean Pines are not as fully funded as they should be.
“When we take a look at cutbacks, too many times we talk about the recreational budget, which is a small percentage of your annual assessment [in Ocean Pines] and that’s some of the best dollars that we spend,” he continued. “But we’re excited about this upcoming year and we appreciate the support that we get from this community.”
For more information on hole sponsorships or to reserve space at the luncheon, call McMullen at 443-827-2091.
For information on the foundation, visit www.MaryMac.org.
Donations to the Mary Mac Foundation can be made online, or by check payable to Mary Mac Foundation, 174 Nottingham Lane, Berlin, Maryland, 21811.