Claire Miller received approval from the Historic Commission to place signage outside of her new coffee shop, Second Wave Coffee at 19 William Street.
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer
(Sept. 14, 2023) The Historic District Commission met on Wednesday and unanimously approved three applications.
The first was a request from property owner William Esham to restore a mural on the side of the building at 11 Pitts Street.
Ivy Wells, the town director of economic development, said the town obtained funding from the Maryland State Arts Council to restore what is called a ‘ghost’ mural on the side of the building.
She said attempts to determine what the mural looked like produced no results, and is hoping she still might hear from anyone who might have pictures or knowledge of the mural.
“I am thrilled we will be able to do this,” commission member Mary Moore said.
Wells told the commission that the company, Brushcan Custom Murals specializes in restoring murals and did work in Snow Hill.
The second application was from the owners of Blackstone Restaurant at 104 Pitts Street. Rich Hertzog of Delmarva Veterans Builders presented the plans for the restaurant.
The plan is to provide more cooking space in the building, add a bathroom and deck with a pergola and remove the fence. The addition will require the downing of one large tree near the building.
The commission approved the request with the stipulation that the ice machine that currently sits outside the restaurant be removed or placed out of sight.
The third application came from Claire Miller, who is opening the Second Wave Coffee and Social shop at 19 William Street. She received approval to hang a wooden sign outside the shop, as well as a flag and sandwich board.