By Paul Suplee, MBA, CEC, PC-3
So, what else needs to happen in this strange, new world of ours? How many more weeks, months or years must we lay in hiding before we can arise above the ashes?
This episode has been taxing on all people; truly something that has not happened in our lifetime.
Unless you are older than 104 years old (meaning that you were a toddler at the time of the Spanish Flu with even a semblance of memory), than you have never lived through times such as these.
Luckily, at least we have virtual meetings and greetings, if nothing else.
Suffice it to say, each one of us seem to have the ‘right’ answer, don’t we? I will end the sarcasm there, referencing every cherry-picked meme and statistic that exemplifies either the danger of this virus or the silliness of the lockdown.
Personally, I cannot tell you who is right and who has erred. Despite my vast degrees in business and history (once again ceasing the sarcasm here), I have no authority over the languages of immunology, virology or epidemiology.
No, I simply would not be so arrogant as to think that I know better than people who are in much more control of information, whether that be for or against shutdowns, vaccinations, the shaving of beards or whatever the new ‘thing’ might be.
No, I can only speak on what I know, or at least what I have seen in the past few months. And what I have seen is a true testament of what I grew up with.
A reflection on old-fashioned values exemplified in musings, articles and movies over the years. Hell, even the stories from my late father, a WWII veteran (2 years, 2 months and 22 days in the South Pacific) told of an America that was long lost.
Oh, the funny things that happen in a pandemic.
In the last two months, I have seen some inspiring stories of change to the ‘new normal’… perhaps nothing more than a return to the old normal. The days of yore speak very powerfully to those who are interested in their voice.
As the food chain seems to be changing, I now see many people buying locally.
They are going to local farms, now not worrying about eggs that are $5 a dozen or more. I mean, don’t we all pay that much for a large coffee these days?
Friends of ours, Gretchen and Scotty, graced us with a box of grass-fed beef from a Maryland farm: Not expected, but greatly appreciated.
I knew that it was not cheap, but they supported a local Maryland farm. I love that.
I have spoken with friends who are farmers inundated with business recently, not able to keep up with demand. I will take that as a victory.
Moreover, speaking of victory, has anyone else noticed the popularity of the backyard ‘victory garden’?
It is wonderful to see folks growing their own fruit, vegetables and herbs. There is just something so connecting in this practice.
Chicken coops are being thrown in backyards faster than ’86 Monte Carlos on blocks, and that is fantastic. The ‘free range’ eggs are delicious and surprisingly simple to harvest.
From a restaurant standpoint, we are now allowed to offer carryout and for the first time in state history, cocktails to go. This is a great if not extraordinary convenience for customers who may just want a drink while not betting the farm on a bottle of booze.
Somehow, it reminds me of New Orleans. Indeed, strange times.
Above all else, it means time with our families. I truly hope that everyone embraces this time to appreciate family. I know that this can make for trying times for some, and that makes me infinitely sad, but this is a time when we must fight to come together as one.
It is a time of dining with our loved ones…our children…our pets…whoever it may be. It is time to sit down and break bread with those we love. We owe ourselves at least that much.
And it is definitely a time to build a treehouse, if indeed you have a tree.
It does not have to be luxurious. It just needs to be solid.
It needs to stand as a testament to these days; a place where everyone takes turns to get the hell away from each other, and a place where everyone will meet for dinner.
Yes, these are dastardly times, but let’s eat, and let’s do it together, virtually or in-person.
Grassfed Sirloin and Eggs
serves four
1 decent slab of bone-in sirloin steak
Trimix, as needed (reference past articles), as needed
8 ea. free-range eggs
Breakfast potatoes of your choosing
•Pat the sirloin dry
•*So, ghee is an indian-style clarified butter with a much higher flashpoint than whole butter. This is very important, as you don’t want your steak to taste like carbon in any way, shape or form
•Lightly spread some ghee on the steak and continue to step 4
•Coat with a liberal amount of seasoning (trimix). Don’t worry. A fair amount of it will fall off in the grilling process
•Heat a grill to a preposterously high heat and grill on both sides until cooked to the temperature of your liking
•Now, serve with breakfast potatoes and over-easy eggs like your grandmother used to serve up