Property owner Duane Maddy addresses members of the Berlin Planning Commission during a meeting last Wednesday evening. His site plan for the property on Washington Street received unanimous approval.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(May 16, 2019) A site plan for a proposed industrial complex building on Washington Street was unanimously approved during a Berlin Planning Commission meeting last Wednesday.
Owner Duane Maddy received unanimous approval for a conditional use exception for the 13,512-square-foot property on 305 Washington St. from the Berlin Board of Zoning Appeals at an April 3 meeting.
“He’s good to go with the Board of Zoning Appeals for the use, and now he’s here to present his site plan to you,” said Planning Director Dave Engelhart.
Maddy proposed demolishing the structure on the existing foundation and building a two-story, mixed-use building, according to the site plan. The first floor would have dedicated storage, and the second floor would include dedicated living space.
Maddy also said he plans to rent the three two-and-three-bedroom units on the second floor.
Additionally, the property proposed having designated space for a 2-by-4 sign, a 3-by-6 mailbox, a four-foot fence for a dumpster enclosure, a 4-foot fence for the side of the property, and eight parking spots – with one handicapped parking spot, according to the site plan.
As for the building’s aesthetics, Maddy opted for a sage green exterior and white trim.
When discussing the foliage surrounding the property, Planning Commission member Ron Cascio had a specific opinion.
“Can we not do Leyland [Cypress]?” Cascio asked.
Maddy appeared to be agreeable to his suggestion, and said he wanted a tree that would grow fast.
“[Eastern] Red cedar? You won’t have any problems [with Eastern] red cedar,” Cascio said.
When asked about the roof, Maddy
said he planned to use a more traditional vinyl shingle.
“So it’s not a metal roof with a weird angle?” Cascio said.
The property also has a 30-foot wide common element access easement, according to the site plan.
“It’s important to have that fence along that easement,” Maddy said.
Planning Commission member Phyllis Purnell moved to approve the site plan, and member John Barrett seconded it.
Planning Commission member Barb Stack was absent from last Wednesday’s meeting.