By Morgan Pilz, Staff Writer
(Jan. 16, 2020) The Berlin Planning Commission approved a site plan and zoning change Wednesday, with the latter involving a switch from an industrial to business classification.

Submitted by Chris Carbaugh
This rendering represents the lots of land between routes 818 and 50 requested to be rezoned from M-1 Industrial to B-2 Shopping presented to the Planning Commission in Berlin on Jan. 8.
The commission supported a request to reclassify 26.6 acres of industrially zoned property (M-1A) on the north side of Route 50 as shopping district (B-2). The zone change will allow for more commercial development near the intersection of routes 818 and 50.
The request was brought to the board by Chris Carbaugh of Atlantic Group and Associates, who said the change would allow for “consolidation of several parcels in that area” an would lead to a more cohesive project.
Carbaugh said the original zoning was a mistake and cited a 2014 rezoning example for industrial zoned land owned by Phil Houck, owner of Bull on the Beach and Crab Alley restaurants. The land was rezoned to B-2 after it was discovered the designation was made for “a development project circa 1998 that was never undertaken.”
“Based on this information, the zoning request was granted … for these same reasons, we respectfully request the board recommend the zone for parcels 4 and 461 to B-2 shopping district,” Carbaugh said.
The request was made with the expectation that there would be commercial development in the parcels of land ranging in sizes from 3.5 acres to 6.5 acres.
“Mr. Houck was communicating with neighboring properties owned by [my client] Mr. Matyiko about relocating some easements and there was discussion for a desire to consolidate the properties to allow for a larger commercial project,” Carbaugh said. “There is an interested group looking at the property to do some commercial development and this allows for a better development.
“We could end up with six commercial parcels that could range from 3.5 acres to 6.5 acres and it would be a commercial center out there on route 50, which would be a great opportunity for people to stop near Berlin and, hopefully, come downtown,” he continued.
When asked what type of commercial centers might be built, Carbaugh suggested there would be various retail stores and a possible hotel site.
The request was approved and will be sent to the Town Council for consideration.
The board also approved a site plan for Willows at Berlin. The Maple Avenue project will involve the renovation of the existing Wolfe Terrace apartments as well as the addition of 34 new units at the complex.