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State recognizes Worcester 911 Dispatcher Jones

Every day in counties across Maryland, some 900 dedicated 911 staff assist individuals and families in crisis. Those in each of the jurisdictions who go above and beyond the call of duty are recognized by the Maryland State Emergency Number Systems Board (ENSB) for excellence each September.
Worcester County 911 Center Telecommunicator Tanner Jones was honored Oct. 1, for exemplifying the professionalism, dedication, values and ethics of the 911 Public Safety Communications Profession in Worcester County.
“Since joining Worcester County in November 2013, Jones quickly progressed through training and now uses his inter-agency connections and his own professionalism to provide in-house training and direction for his peers,” Worcester County Communications Center Supervisor Kristin Jester stated in a letter of recommendation to the ENSB. “Jones’ work habits are exemplary. He is always prepared for the next call, the next emergency, and he is the first to support team work and provide back up when needed.”
Just an example of the low frequency, high stress calls Jones has been actively involved in include an armed bank robbery incident that began with little or no useful information from the initial 911 caller. Using his investigatory skills, Jones reached out to other agencies to try to fill in the blanks.
Jones initiated a radio broadcast to the Worcester County Sheriff, Maryland State Police (MSP), Ocean Pines Police Department, MSP Aviation and Worcester County Criminal Bureau of Investigation, and the search began.
In the meantime, Jones completed extensive documentation and kept all responders updated with incoming information. From that effort, the suspect was found and arrested with no responders harmed.