By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

Odtis Collins
(Aug. 27, 2020) The Worcester County Public Schools’ Summer Meal Program has been extended to Monday.
“The USDA extended the Summer Food Service Program waivers through Aug. 31, so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity to provide more meals to our students,” said Odtis Collins, the coordinator of food services for the county’s public schools.
The local school system provides meals from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at six locations in Snow Hill, Pocomoke and Berlin throughout the week.
From June 22 to Aug. 20, a total of 45,277 meals were distributed during summer academy at Buckingham Elementary School, Pocomoke Middle School and Snow Hill Elementary School and the summer meal program. About 32,180 meals of the 45,277 meals were served through the summer meal program.
According to a recent Facebook post on the school system’s account, 3,628 meals were distributed last week.
Collins added that an average of 2,520 students are served every week through the summer meal program.
The seasonal feeding program is only available for children under the age of 18, who must be present at the time of pickup.
In addition, the public is not permitted inside participating locations in Snow Hill, Pocomoke and Berlin. A staff member will be prepared to bring bagged lunches outside.
Although students will begin the school year with distance learning on Sept. 8, they will still be able to participate in the free and reduced school meals program.
“We will be operating under the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program,” Collins said. “The program will operate similar to the summer food service program with some adjustments, since the regulations are different.”
Last year, 40.73 percent of students in the county’s public schools participated in the free and reduced school meals program.
“I am seeing an uptick compared to last year’s numbers through our Maryland Direct Certification System,” Collins said.
The 2020-21 application is now available online.
For more information, visit
WCPS Summer Meal Program Pick-up Locations from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Snow Hill:
- Ebenezer United Methodist Church (107 S. Collins St.): Monday-Thursday
- Snow Hill Elementary School (515 Coulbourne Lane): Monday-Thursday
- Pocomoke Middle School (800 Eighth St.): Monday-Thursday
- Windy Gardens (800 Lynn Haven Drive #F1): Monday-Wednesday
- Buckingham Elementary School (100 W. Buckingham Road): Monday-Thursday
- Bay Terrace Garden Apartments (517 Bay Street): Monday-Thursday