By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(Aug. 16, 2018) Berlin restaurants DiFebo’s and The Globe on Monday were granted approval for outdoor café tables by the Berlin Town Council.
Globe owner Jennifer Dawicki asked for four high-top tables to be placed outside her restaurant on the Broad Street sidewalk. Previously, there were none and Dawicki also pointed out she did not use a sandwich board sign.
DiFebo’s requested two additional outdoor café tables to be placed on the Main Street sidewalk.
“So, what you’re asking [is to] extend your business into the public way?” Councilman Dean Burrell asked.
“Sounds like it,” Dawicki said.
Planning Director Dave Engelhart said it was unlawful to place items including tables and chairs without council approval. In order for exceptions to be made, he said they must meet minimum pedestrian accessibility standards.
“In both these requests from the Globe Theater and DiFebo’s, both of them do comply with accessibility standards,” Engelhart said. “We’ve been out and measured on the sidewalk … and I find that they are [in compliance].”
Engelhart said the minimum requirement was 36 inches of clearance and, at DiFebo’s where two tables were already outside, “they had over 48 inches of clearance.”
“My recommendation was that we approve both of these applications,” he said.
The vote was 4-1, with only Burrell not in favor.