Town Administrator Laura Allen and Councilman Dean Burrell on Tuesday discuss what the Berlin Tattoo Ordinance Committee could do next in its attempt to get county officials to amend county rules and permit tattooing the town, with oversight from the Worcester County Board of Health.
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(Aug. 2, 2018) Having not yet heard back from county officials, members of the Berlin Tattoo Ordinance Committee on Tuesday opted to contact them again and report back next month.
The Berlin Town Council in May voted 3-1 to send a letter of support on behalf of the committee to the Worcester County Commissioners. The Tattoo Ordinance Committee is asking for an amendment in the county code to allow the county health department to handle inspections of Berlin tattoo businesses.
Town Administrator Laura Allen on Tuesday said the letter was sent May 25, but town officials have yet to receive a reply. She speculated the current election cycle, which includes all seven county commissioners, could be part of the reason for a delay.
Committee Chairman Matt Amey said, as far as allowing tattooing, “We’re not talking about anything other than the Town of Berlin.”
Committee member Patricia Dufendach worried that “red flags go up” in places like Ocean City, which has historically not been in favor of allowing tattooing.
“I really don’t want to upset them or get even on their radar,” she said. “They’re the big kids on the block.”
“That’s why I think we should try to educate the county on what we intend and make sure that they understand that this is specifically for Berlin,” Amey said.
Amey also said he would put together an inspection checklist to present to the county “to try to make it as simple as possible.”
Town Attorney David Gaskill said he would contact County Attorney Maureen Howarth to provide her with a copy of the proposed ordinance and try to arrange a meeting.
“I just think if the county commissioners are even remotely interested in this we’ll get a hearing. If they’re not, we won’t,” Gaskill said.
The committee is scheduled to meet again on Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. in Town Hall.