By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

The Historic District Commission approved the Brushmillers’ request to alter the existing sign at 17 Jefferson St. in Berlin as the owners rebrand the property as The Lost Pantry specialty market and café.
(Aug. 13, 2020) The Berlin Historic District Commission unanimously approved three requests for signs and a storage shed for downtown businesses during its meeting on Aug. 5.
The commission first met with a representative of Burley Café, Matt Burrier, to discuss signs for the rebranding of the property at 17 Jefferson St. to be known as The Lost Pantry.
The Brushmillers did not attend the meeting because it was their daughter’s 16th birthday.
The idea behind The Lost Pantry sprang from the Brushmillers’ realization that the covid-19 pandemic called for a different style of grocery shopping.
The Lost Pantry will be a specialty market and café, featuring breakfast and lunch items mainly for carryout.
“We’re working with local farmers to bring in produce,” Burrier added.
The commission approved the Brushmillers’ plan to use the existing sign but repaint it and add the new name for operation.
Then, the commission approved the placement of a 71-inch-by-42-inch-by-21-inch outdoor storage shed on the Pitts Street side of J&M Meat Market, located at 101 William St. The lockable shed purchased from Amazon will be used to store outdoor umbrellas.
“I would prefer to put it where the outdoor tables are on the brick wall up against the building so, every night I can just take the umbrellas out of the bases and store them there over night so they don’t get stolen,” said owner Heidi Johnson.
Lastly, the commission approved a sign for Life’s Simple Pleasures, which is moving from 10 S. Main St. to 1 S. Main St.
Owner Brenda Malone said a new iron sign bracket will be installed to match those at The Dusty Lamb and Dolle’s Candyland.
In addition, the approved sign from the existing store front as well as the approved wooden sign at 15 Gay Street will be moved to 1 S. Main St. Then, the current sign for A Little Bit Sheepish above the door will be updated for new operation.
The commission was also scheduled to meet with Neil Winn and Heather Roades about the construction of a new art studio on their property at 202 S. Main Street. However, the applicants were not present.
According to the application, the art studio would be a 10-foot-by-12-foot lean-to style shed with wood siding and be placed within the boundary of the current privacy fence.
The studio would establish a creative space for Roades, an artist and a scientist. She sells her work through her Berlin business, Natural Histories.
The commission will make a decision about the studio request at its Sept. 2 meeting.