Residents can obtain a sticker for the Public Works yard to drop off leaves and other yard debris. The yard is located behind the Firehouse.
It’s that time of year again for leaf-raking residents
By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer
(Sept. 28, 2023) One hundred tons, that’s the weight of leaves and pine needles that Ocean Pines residents collect in a year. And leaf season is almost upon us.
While the leaves will stay green for a few more weeks, Ocean Pines residents are cleaning up after tropical storm Ophelia hit with a much lighter touch than expected this weekend. Still, leaves, branches, pine needles and sweet gum balls did litter the landscape. So, it’s time to start the fall cleanup.
Republic Services picks up trash and four bags of leaves from each participating resident twice a week. There is no limit to the number of bags that the association’s Public Works crews will pick up.
Ocean Pines Public Works will collect bagged leaves from Nov.27 to Dec.29. Bagged leaves will be picked up on days opposite of Republic Services’ regularly scheduled collection days.
Residents can also obtain a sticker for the Public Works yard to drop off leaves and other yard debris. The yard is located behind the firehouse. All leaves should be loose or in paper bags. No plastic bags are permitted.
Stickers are free to residents this year. Call Public Works at 410-641-7425 for a sticker.
Residents with a sticker may use the Public Works yard to drop off yard debris. The yard will be open to Ocean Pines residents and property owners Nov.27 to Dec 30, Monday through Saturday, from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. The yard will be closed Dec. 25-26 for the Christmas holiday.
Outside of spring and fall openings, residents can schedule special drop-off times during normal work hours by calling Public Works.
Public Works will not be using the vacuum truck to clear out drainage ditches this year. This is the responsibility of each resident.
By requiring a sticker to use the Public Works yard to drop off leaves and other debris, the association will be able to control who is using the OPA facility to dispose of yard debris. This will save the association money by not having to dispose of leaves left by contractors and those living outside Ocean Pines.
The leaves are used for composting once collected.
“We haul to Blue Hen Organics in Frankford, Delaware,” Eddie Wells, the director of Public Works said.
Village Green and Go Green OC have also received leaves for composting in the past.
Wells said he is open to farmers and other interested parties taking the leaves away.