The Calvin B. Taylor House Museum in Berlin.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Nov. 14, 2019) The Town of Berlin and the Berlin Heritage Foundation Inc. have entered into a formal agreement after working together for more than 30 years.
The Town Council unanimously approved the arrangement Tuesday evening.
“It is the intention of this agreement to memorialize the longstanding informal relationship between Mayor and Council of Berlin and Berlin Heritage Foundation, Inc., which has acted in mu-
tual cooperation for the period of time beginning in 1982,” the contract states.
Town Attorney David Gaskill told town officials that “there’s nothing new here except it’s now in writing.”
The agreement outlined the responsibilities and guidelines for both parties. While the Berlin Heritage Foundation is considered “the primary custodian of Calvin B. Taylor House Museum and grounds,” the Town of Berlin owns the land where the museum sits at 208 N. Main St.
The Berlin Heritage Foundation has maintained the house, museum and galley when necessary, participated in town activities and countywide museum events and collected historical data, ac- cording to the agreement.
The town would offer a number of services, including lawn maintenance, cleaning up after town events and maintaining liability insurance.
When asked if there were any other questions, Councilman Thom Gulyas cited a passage later in the document that referred to the “City Council of Berlin.”
He asked for that to be change to its proper name, “Town Council.”