Will allow state to improve turn lanes off Route 376
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer
(Jan. 14, 2021) The Berlin Mayor and Council on Monday approved the transfer of rights of way along Maryland Route 376 to the State Highway Administration (SHA) to widen its intersection with U.S. Route 113 for safety purposes.

The Berlin Mayor and Council on Tuesday approved the transfer of rights of way of Maryland Route 376 to the State Highway Administration at the intersection of U.S. Route 113 to widen the road where congestion occurs for safety purposes.
“These are easements that are required … for the geometric improvements of Bay Street Extended, Maryland Route 376 and its intersection with U.S. Route 113,” Berlin’s Planning Director Dave Engelhart said during the virtual meeting. “There is one area where we are actually conveying the property to the State Highway,” he said. “The other three areas are easements. One’s a temporary easement, and the other two are perpetual easements.”
According to exhibits from SHA representatives, the improvements on Route 376 from U.S. Route 113 to east of Flower Street will lengthen the right turn lane from Route 376 onto U.S. Route 113 North to prevent traffic from piling up.
In addition, the intersection experiences extensive congestion and heavy RV/trailer traffic during the summer. As a result, southbound vehicles turning left onto Maryland Route 376 exceed the capacity of the left turn lane and spill out onto Route 113. The current left turn lane from U.S. Route 113 southbound to the east side of Maryland Route 376 is roughly 375 feet. The proposed turn lane will be about 850 feet.
Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood informed the mayor and council that the existing sidewalk on the east side of Maryland Route 376 will be reconstructed to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
“These improvements can only enhance and make our community safer,” Councilman Dean Burrell said, moving to approve the requests.
Before the approval, Fleetwood assured the Town Council that plans to realign Decatur and Flower streets will still be feasible after the project.
The council unanimously agreed in favor of the requests.