(May 18, 2017) The Snow Hill Council approved a $2.5 million fiscal year 2018 budget, which was balanced without raising property tax rates, during its meting last Tuesday.
The budget passed by a 2-0 vote with Councilwoman Alison Cook not in attendance. Town Manager Kelly Pruitt noted the final budget remained unchanged from a version put forth during a first reading on April 11.
On the revenue side of the ledger, real estate taxes represent the single largest tally at $890,000.
Additional revenue, a $450,000 grant from the county, has yet to be approved by the Worcester County Commissioners. That figure would match last year’s county contribution to Snow Hill.
The budget also includes $110,000 in revenue from state income taxes and $105,000 in corporate personal property taxes.
Pruitt noted the tax levies of $0.86 per $100 of assessed value on real property and $1.82 per $100 of assessed value on corporate personal property are the same rates as the current fiscal year.
The highest figure on the expenditures side was more than $589,000 in department salaries, followed by approximately $281,000 in salary costs for police officers. The budget also factors in more than $179,000 for health insurance premiums.
Councilman Michael Pruitt said to the best of his knowledge Snow Hill residents were satisfied with the budget as approved.
“No one approached me on the street or called me about this,” he said. “I applaud the effort of not raising taxes. We try and do that every year.”