Municipality can’t be involved in delivering campaign messages
By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer
(Aug. 6, 2020) Berlin citizens will vote for a mayor as well as District 2, District 3 and at-large town council seats during the Oct. 6 municipal election.
Currently, there are five candidates for mayor, two candidates for the at-large councilmember seat and one candidate for the District 2 councilmember seat.

Mary Bohlen
As the Sept. 4 deadline for candidates to file for the fall election approaches, the Berlin town administrative staff says they have been fielding questions about the possibility of candidate forums.
“The Town will not/does not/[cannot] hold candidate forums, debates, or any other activity intended to inform the voters of candidates’ positions on topics,” said Deputy Town Administrator Mary Bohlen. “Getting that information out is the responsibility of the candidates or other interested parties.”
Incumbent Mayor Gee Williams said past public forums for Berlin elections were sponsored by local nonprofit organizations or local business associations and were independent of local government.
“The Town never has, [nor] should it ever, host or sponsor candidate forums for any position for our municipal elections,” Williams added. “Berlin, or any other municipality, county or the state, would not do this because government-sponsored, or organized election forums would never be considered neutral or impartial.”
Williams launched his campaign website on Tuesday. Voters can submit questions or comments directly to him at
Jack Orris, who has filed for the District 2 Council seat, also has a website,, to inform Berlin citizens about the list of issues he will focus on if elected.
Photographer Tony Weeg, who is running for the at-large councilmember seat, can be contacted about his platform at Or, voters can visit his website at
Councilman and mayoral candidate Zackery Tyndall recently hosted a series called “Ask Zack” to address questions about public safety. He also has a political Facebook page titled Zack Tyndall and a website,, to learn more about his campaign.
In addition, Berlin citizens can contact mayoral candidate Jennifer Allen via email at
The deadline for write-in candidates is Sept. 29 at 5 p.m. Those candidates will not appear on the ballot.
Polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Oct. 6. Voters in Districts 1 and 2 will vote at Buckingham Presbyterian Church at 20 S. Main Street and voters in Districts 3 and 4 will vote at the Berlin Police Department at 129 Decatur Street.
However, absentee voting is encouraged for this election amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Applications for absentee ballots will be available on Sept. 3 on the town’s website or by contacting Bohlen at Applications will be accepted from Sept. 4-29 by mail. Applications returned in person are due on Oct. 2 at 5 p.m.
Berlin citizens must be registered with the Worcester County Board of Elections to vote. Berlin does not have a separate registration. To register, call the Worcester County Board of Elections office in Snow Hill at 410-632-1320.
For more information, visit