(Sept. 1, 2016) The relationship between the new Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors leadership and one of its advisory committees got off to a rocky start this week, based on emails provided to the Gazette.
On Aug. 28, new Director Slobodan Trendic, who was just named liaison to the clubs committee, contacted its chairman, Les Purcell.
Trendic introduced himself, asked for a list of the committee’s goals and objectives, and offered his assistance as the liaison.
He also noted that the committee was “fully staffed” and that Purcell’s term was due to expire on Sept. 20.
Purcell replied on the following day, saying he met with committee Secretary Gary Miller “in order to facilitate the exchange of any information” and that he planned to present Trendic with a list of the committee’s activities during the next few days.
He added that he had already submitted an application to serve his “final allowable” term as a committee member, one year, which would then expire on Sept. 20, 2017.
On Aug. 30, Trendic sent an email to Board President Tom Herrick, with copies to Miller and Purcell, saying he thanked Purcell for his years of service on the committee, but that “I do not endorse his application.”
Instead, Trendic said he was backing an application submitted by former board candidate Steve Lind, whom he nominated as the new chairman of the committee.
“During his recent campaign, Mr. Lind demonstrated great leadership and communication skills,” Trendic wrote. “In addition, his knowledge on the issues facing our Yacht Club, the Beach Club and the Country Club will enable the committee staff to excel in its goals and objectives for this year.”
Trendic added, “Furthermore, I recommend that you please ask Mr. Miller to immediately resign from the Clubs Committee. The reason is the following. In the recent interview with the local newspaper, his comments as members of the committee were totally unprofessional and inappropriate. It reflected negatively on the OPA Board and its individual directors.”
Miller sent an email response later that day, with copies also sent to several other directors and to the Gazette.
He asserted that he did not say anything “unprofessional or inappropriate” in the article, referencing a story published last Thursday.
“Les, me and the rest of the committee have done everything in our power to help foster the benefits of the YC, and the rest of the OP Clubs,” he said.
He added that the article was not an interview, but was rather coverage of the most recent committee meeting, and said he was accused on another website of “bringing politics into the committee discussion.”
“All we did was discuss problems we have encountered as a committee, what we might expect from the new BOD as far as help and support, and how to approach the new BOD to best help the different OP clubs,” Miller wrote. “Of all the Advisory Committees, the CAC probably has to deal with the whims of the board more than any other. Do you really think comments from ex-board members suggesting that the YC be closed after Labor Day and how that or anything else would affect the YC is not worthy of discussion within the committee? It would be foolish and irresponsible if we did not understand that and make an effort to figure out how best to accomplish our goals within those restraints.”
Addressing the request to Herrick that he be removed from the committee, Miller wrote that Trendic “made it perfectly clear that there is a new political agenda in Ocean Pines, and that includes those that volunteer to help. That agenda is also apparent by your nomination of Steve Lind, a former member of this committee who tried several times to get Les Purcell removed as chairman. It seems ironic that several BOD candidates that did not get elected have asked about joining the committee. Since the CAC is currently full, I guess this is the only way to force an opening and get your favorites on.”
Miller said he did not speak for Purcell, but that “I will not voluntarily resign from the CAC. Bring it up at a public meeting and let the entire BOD vote on it.”
Reached for additional comments, Trendic said “I wanted to be fully transparent with my views since they involve two Clubs Committee members.
“Being transparent was the reason Mr. Purcell and Mr. Miller were included in my message to President Herrick,” Trendic said. “I also felt it was the right thing to do given the concerns raised in my message which came from the recent subject article.”
On Aug. 28, new Director Slobodan Trendic, who was just named liaison to the clubs committee, contacted its chairman, Les Purcell.
Trendic introduced himself, asked for a list of the committee’s goals and objectives, and offered his assistance as the liaison.
He also noted that the committee was “fully staffed” and that Purcell’s term was due to expire on Sept. 20.
Purcell replied on the following day, saying he met with committee Secretary Gary Miller “in order to facilitate the exchange of any information” and that he planned to present Trendic with a list of the committee’s activities during the next few days.
He added that he had already submitted an application to serve his “final allowable” term as a committee member, one year, which would then expire on Sept. 20, 2017.
On Aug. 30, Trendic sent an email to Board President Tom Herrick, with copies to Miller and Purcell, saying he thanked Purcell for his years of service on the committee, but that “I do not endorse his application.”
Instead, Trendic said he was backing an application submitted by former board candidate Steve Lind, whom he nominated as the new chairman of the committee.
“During his recent campaign, Mr. Lind demonstrated great leadership and communication skills,” Trendic wrote. “In addition, his knowledge on the issues facing our Yacht Club, the Beach Club and the Country Club will enable the committee staff to excel in its goals and objectives for this year.”
Trendic added, “Furthermore, I recommend that you please ask Mr. Miller to immediately resign from the Clubs Committee. The reason is the following. In the recent interview with the local newspaper, his comments as members of the committee were totally unprofessional and inappropriate. It reflected negatively on the OPA Board and its individual directors.”
Miller sent an email response later that day, with copies also sent to several other directors and to the Gazette.
He asserted that he did not say anything “unprofessional or inappropriate” in the article, referencing a story published last Thursday.
“Les, me and the rest of the committee have done everything in our power to help foster the benefits of the YC, and the rest of the OP Clubs,” he said.
He added that the article was not an interview, but was rather coverage of the most recent committee meeting, and said he was accused on another website of “bringing politics into the committee discussion.”
“All we did was discuss problems we have encountered as a committee, what we might expect from the new BOD as far as help and support, and how to approach the new BOD to best help the different OP clubs,” Miller wrote. “Of all the Advisory Committees, the CAC probably has to deal with the whims of the board more than any other. Do you really think comments from ex-board members suggesting that the YC be closed after Labor Day and how that or anything else would affect the YC is not worthy of discussion within the committee? It would be foolish and irresponsible if we did not understand that and make an effort to figure out how best to accomplish our goals within those restraints.”
Addressing the request to Herrick that he be removed from the committee, Miller wrote that Trendic “made it perfectly clear that there is a new political agenda in Ocean Pines, and that includes those that volunteer to help. That agenda is also apparent by your nomination of Steve Lind, a former member of this committee who tried several times to get Les Purcell removed as chairman. It seems ironic that several BOD candidates that did not get elected have asked about joining the committee. Since the CAC is currently full, I guess this is the only way to force an opening and get your favorites on.”
Miller said he did not speak for Purcell, but that “I will not voluntarily resign from the CAC. Bring it up at a public meeting and let the entire BOD vote on it.”
Reached for additional comments, Trendic said “I wanted to be fully transparent with my views since they involve two Clubs Committee members.
“Being transparent was the reason Mr. Purcell and Mr. Miller were included in my message to President Herrick,” Trendic said. “I also felt it was the right thing to do given the concerns raised in my message which came from the recent subject article.”