By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

Worcester County Board of Education has included a projected construction schedule for the Stephen Decatur Middle School addition in its capital improvement program for the 2022 fiscal year.
(Sept. 24, 2020) The Worcester County Board of Education unanimously approved the 2022 fiscal year capital improvement program and authorization to forward the program to the state Interagency Commission on School Construction during its meeting on Sept. 15.
Each year, Worcester County Public Schools is required to submit a capital improvement program to the State of Maryland Interagency Commission on School Construction.
The capital improvement program is a six-year plan that allows the State of Maryland Interagency Commission on School Construction to identify public school construction needs and establish a reasonable schedule for funding and implementation, according to school officials.
For the 2022 fiscal year, the school board will include a funding request for a 24,820-square-foot addition on the south side of Stephen Decatur Middle School on Seahawk Road in Berlin.
The project will add 12 general education classrooms, four science labs, four science preparation areas, two meeting rooms, one conference room as well as storage space.
Worcester County Public Schools Facilities Planner Joe Price and Chief Financial Officer Vince Tolbert said the state will make decisions regarding funding approval later in the 2021 fiscal year.
They anticipate seeking bids for the project next August depending on state funding approval and local funding approval by the Worcester County Commissioners.
Then, Price and Tolbert will seek the board’s and county commissioners’ approval of the bids.
If all goes well, construction will begin in November 2021.
Other future project requests included in the capital improvement program are roof replacement projects at Snow Hill Middle/Cedar Chapel Special, Stephen Decatur Middle and Pocomoke Elementary Schools and a Buckingham Elementary replacement school project or addition project.
A summary of previously approved projects and enrollment data are also incorporated into the plan.