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White House responds to Snow Hill

(Oct. 5, 2017) Snow Hill Mayor Charlie Dorman shared a correspondence from the White House during a work session, last Tuesday.

The town invited President Donald Trump to attend the recent Blessing of the Combines event and received a reply, albeit it after the fact.

Dorman said the White House sent a note explaining that, because of the volume of requests, it was difficult to reply in a more timely fashion.

“We asked the president to come to Blessing of the Combines,” he said. “We sent him a letter and also sent the governor [of Maryland] a letter.”

The 19th annual Blessing of the Combines, which draws a large contingent of sidewalk gawkers to witness a parade of oversized farm vehicles, was held on Aug. 5 this year.
In most instances, requests to governmental leaders are routinely ignored, Dorman said.

“We got a postcard back from the White House that said the invitation had already passed when they saw it,” he said. “At least they responded to us – we can’t get the governor to respond.”

Dorman speculated on the impact an appearance by the leader of the free world would have had on the sleepy, Eastern Shore town.

“Can you see if he had come?” he said. “It would put Snow Hill on the map, good or bad.”