The Refuge at Windmill Creek, the first residential planned community in Worcester County in 11 years, will be located next to St. John Neumann Catholic Church.
By Elizabeth Bonin, Staff Writer
(Oct. 17, 2019) The Refuge at Windmill Creek, formerly known as the Evergreen Village Residential Planned Community, passed step two of the master plan review with the county Technical Review Committee.
Copies of the revised master plan and narrative will be resubmitted to the Planning Commission to continue the review process.
Windmill Creek is a 90 single-family development located northwest of Beauchamp Road, north of Racetrack Road. The Technical Review Committee’s only comments were that the master plan review still needed forest conservation approval and a site development plan for storm water. Public Works is still waiting on an equivalent dwelling unit number for sewer and water requirements. The county commissioners will give the final and formal review of the project.
Windmill Creek cleared its first hurdle when the Worcester County Planning Commission passed the step one concept plan in July. It also passed a public hearing at the county commissioner’s meeting on Sept. 3. Though there were previously concerns regarding a natural barrier between St. John Neumann Church and the development, Environmental Consultant Chris McCabe assured the parties that a natural barrier would exist, with a forest conservation area consisting of either red cedar or white pine trees.
Chris Larmore, a contractor with Blue Water, previously stated that the project will end an 11-year drought in Worcester County residential planned communities and give the county a projected $31 million tax base. He attributed the gap to lack of sewer and water availability and other regulations, particularly concerning sidewalks and roads. The residential development could also add students to the Worcester County public school system.
Since the project is located near the church and the River Run subdivision and golf course, it fits in with an already developed area. Blue Water hopes to begin infrastructure construction in February 2020 and housing construction by late summer or early fall 2020.