By Greg Ellison
Staff Writer
(Sept. 19, 2019) Golfers and supporters of the Worcester County Veterans Memorial are invited to play in the memorial foundation’s 13th annual golf tournament next Wednesday.
The beneficiary of the tournament’s proceeds will be the foundation’s program to educate fifth graders about the sacrifices made to protect democratic freedoms and to help maintain the memorial.
Foundation board member Don McMullen now oversees the annual field trips for area fifth graders after inheriting the role last year following the retirement of Capt. Ed Little, who had piloted the venture since its inception in 2006.
“It’s all about the freedoms we have today as Americans,” he said. “We do it out of respect to our military who have served throughout the world.”
McMullen estimated more than 600 students from public schools, Most Blessed Sacrament, Worcester Prep and home schooling visited Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines last year.
The field trips, which are held in May and October, include a three-part program covering the history of Old Glory, wartime recollections from veterans or surviving relatives and a tutorial on properly handling, folding, waving and saluting the American flag.
The latter includes Stars and Stripes-based demonstrations by Stephen Decatur, Pocomoke and Snow Hill high schools Junior ROTC students and a hands-on opportunity to practice flag folding skills.
Students are also provided a nearly three-dozen page booklet produced by the foundation.
“Teachers actually use the booklet as a lesson plan,” he said.
McMullen said the Veterans Memorial Foundation is in the midst of updating the booklet to include the latest additions to the site and pictures of recent student participants.
McMullen said in addition to financing the booklet printing, the foundation also covers field trip transportation costs for students, with the golf tournament serving as the principal fundraiser for both undertakings.
The cost to play Wednesday is $100, which includes cart rental, golf balls, grab-and-go lunch items, door prizes, dinner buffet and the possibility of taking home prizes and awards.
The tournament on Ocean Pines Golf Course will begin with a noon shotgun start, and will feature contests for hole in one, straightest drive, putting skills and closest to the pin.
Tournament sponsorships, which are tax deductible, begin at $100 for tee sponsors, with $150 including an ad, while contest sponsors pay $250 and bronze level sponsorships cost $500, with silver level at $1,000 and gold level at $2,000.
Additionally, McMullen said local businesses are being solicited for gift certificates and silent auction items.
To download a registration/sponsorship brochure, visit
For more information, contact McMullen at 443-388-2941 or, or Worcester County Veterans Memorial President Marie Gilmore at 410-726-2881 or
For more information on the Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines, visit

Worcester County Veterans Memorial Foundation board members Sharyn O’Hare and Donald McMullen stand next to the memorial’s Army wall in May 2018.