Fifty-one seniors take the stage for the 46th annual commencement ceremony at Worcester Preparatory School in Berlin on Friday, May 25.

Class president Ethan Gaskill gives a farewell address to fellow graduating seniors during the 46th annual commencement at Worcester Preparatory School in Berlin on Friday, May 25.

Deborah Marini receives the American Legion Scholarship from Head of Upper School Michael Grosso, III, during the 46th annual commencement at Worcester Preparatory School in Berlin on Friday, May 25.
By Morgan Pilz Staff Writer
(May 31, 2018)
Fifty-one Worcester Preparatory seniors accepted their diplomas last Friday during the 46th annual commencement ceremony at the Berlin school.
Numerous awards and honors were presented to the graduates during the ceremony in the Athletic and Performing Arts Center, which also included the Upper School Chorus singing “Forever Young” and the Worcester Preparatory song.
The students will attend 36 schools across 15 states. One hundred and fifty-nine scholarships were awarded to the class of 2018, with a monetary value of $5,141,541, according to Assistant Headmaster and Director of College Counseling Anthony D’Antonio.
Many of the awarded scholarships were for academic achievements or athletics, while others played upon a student’s character, charitable contributions, community service, or engagement in the arts.
One such award was presented to William “Brenner” Maull, who received a nearly $28,000 scholarship from Rev. David Michaud from his church, Saint Peter’s Episcopal, in Salisbury. Maull will be going to the University of Pennsylvania in the fall.
The salutatorian, Deborah Marini, who finished with a GPA of 100.47, will attend Brown University. The valedictorian, Anchita Batra, who earned a GPA of 101.63, will also be attending the University of Pennsylvania.
This graduation ceremony was even more special, as Headmaster Dr. Barry Tull will be retiring.
“Your years here all differ,” Tull said in his address to the seniors. “But all of you in the years you have been here have become part of the fabric of this constitution. As members of the alumni association, you will always be a part of Worcester Prep.”
Tull has been headmaster of the school for 33 years, and felt it was the right time to end his academic career. He has served Worcester Prep since it was founded 48 years ago.
“I guess we’ll always be a part of Worcester Prep too,” Tull said of him and his wife, Diane, assistant to the headmaster, who is retiring as well. “And nothing makes us prouder than to be a part of your group.”
The graduates also received a heartfelt message from their class president, Ethan Gaskill.
“I know that as a class of 51, we don’t always see eye to eye and that is to be expected,” Gaskill said. “But one thing has remained constant: a certain love and respect for one another that can only be truly felt through a family. And though it’s a bit mushy, I think of you all one way or another as my family.”