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5/23/2024 Bayside Editorial

Barbecues, boating, time for reflection

For most people, Memorial Day marks the beginning of the traditional summer season, when outdoor recreation opens up for people looking to exchange their indoor confines for some time on the beach, on the water or on their way to a vacation destination.

This is when backyard grilling gets underway in earnest, the end of school is just around the corner, swimming pools begin to open, and produce markets begin to offer the season’s early honest-to-goodness home-grown fruits and vegetables.

Local businesses begin to gear up for the 14-week run toward profitability and merchants near and far offer all kinds of sales and promotions to attract — and possibly retain — the attention of existing and potential customers.

All-in-all, Memorial Day and the holiday weekend preceding it have become recognized as the enjoyable beginning to the even more enjoyable weeks ahead.

The intended purpose of Memorial Day, to recognize the ultimate sacrifice made by members of the military in service to the country, has become obscured by these other holiday traditions.

While virtually everyone professes to know exactly what the country needs these days, it might be good to think a moment about all those who did what the country needed at the time, and paid dearly for it.

We can celebrate the beginning of summer, but we also must acknowledge the hundreds of thousands of service members whose opportunity to do the same was cut short.