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Bayside Gazette Editorial 6/14/24: Straightening out our home delivery route

Straightening out our home delivery route

Please bear with us as we figure it out. That’s the message this week to our Bayside Gazette home delivery customers in Ocean Pines as we switch to a new distributor.

We made the change last week, and despite starting from scratch without a precise list of recipient addresses, we apparently did an acceptable, but hardly perfect, job.

Some people whose names had been on the “do not deliver” list did receive papers, while others who have been getting the paper for years found nothing in their driveways on Thursday, our delivery day. We did our best to respond to all complaints and inquiries last week and hope this week’s delivery will reflect that.

In the meantime, providing a level of service that might be described as “acceptable” is not good enough, when our goal is to achieve excellence by reaching everyone who prefers the convenience of home delivery, while skipping all those who figure they can do without.

To make that happen, we are completely rebuilding our delivery list. This means we need to hear from anyone who wants the Bayside Gazette but hasn’t been receiving it, as well as from those who are receiving a weekly copy but don’t want it.

This information will allow us to refine our route through the community, thus making delivery more efficient, while  keeping as many people as possible happy.

Consequently, if you feel getting a free copy of the paper every week in your driveway is just a nuisance, let us know, and please advise us if we have been skipping your address and you wish to receive a copy.

Please send us your request along with your full street address and we’ll get to work on it. You may email your information to or call 410-723-6397 and leave your information with the front desk. After hours callers may leave a message.

We want to do our best, and with your help, we’ll be able to do it.