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Bayside Gazette Editorial 9/5/2024: Nichols for council

Nichols for council

Daniel Packey, who is seeking to unseat Shaneka Nichols as the District 3 representative on the Berlin Town Council in the Oct. 1 municipal election, has a good resume except for one thing: he isn’t from here.

As much as that sounds like small town parochialism, it really isn’t. It’s simply a short way of saying that regardless of what Packey might bring to the table with his doctorate in economics, his experience in business and his world travels, he cannot know the community as well as lifelong resident Nichols.

Knowing and understanding one’s constituency is the most important factor in holding public office at the municipal level, and coming from a family whose presence in the community goes back for 10 generations, Nichols has the right credentials for the job.

No disrespect to Packey, but life experience trumps academic experience in local public service. We support returning Shaneka Nichols to the Town Council for another four years.