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Salvation Army’s angel tree efforts 


By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Dec. 14,2023) It’s that time of the year, when the bell ringers are out in front of the stores collecting for the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army of the Lower Eastern Shore raises funds and provides services for Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset counties. Capt. Angel and Lt. Shawn Simmons became the… Read more »

Ocean Pines fire department gets new leadership

Joe and Joey 2

Veteran members Widgeon and Enste get nod to serve as chief, president respectively By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Dec. 14, 2023) Firefighting has been a lifelong commitment for the new chief and president of the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department. Chief Joey Widgeon and President Joe Enste were elected to their new positions last week during… Read more »

Mysterious respiratory illness in dogs

42 dogs

By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Dec. 7, 2023) The news is ripe with stories about a new respiratory illness that is spreading through the canine population. Kaitlyn Fitzhugh of the Iron Will Animal Rescue said that it is creeping up from the south and has been seen in Richmond. It has also been found in… Read more »

Berlin residents encouraged to engage in planning effort

•town hall

Town embarking on two plans to guide spending, zoning, policies for future By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer (Dec. 7, 2023) Berlin is embarking on two planning efforts: updating the comprehensive plan, which is being managed by the planning commission, and the strategic plan, which is being managed by Salisbury University’s BEACON. Residents could be confused by… Read more »

Mailloux lawyers file brief affirming dismissal

Knupp memorial

Appeals case about Knupp hit-and-run charges sees arguments over court code By Hunter Hine, Staff Writer (Nov. 30, 2023) The appeals case of Tyler Mailloux, 23, of Berlin, continues moving forward with the filing of an appellee brief that argues the state’s attorney charged the defendant in the wrong court. On Nov. 17, the Appellate Court… Read more »