Years ago, volunteer fire companies enjoyed a special status in small communities, where prospective volunteers weren’t so much recruited as they were coordinated, as applicants sometimes had to wait until openings in the ranks became available. As for funding, that was easier too back then because these volunteers were the friends and neighbors of the… Read more »
Pragmatic govt. now on endangered list
National politics isn’t our bailiwick, but here we are, risking a brickbat or two at a time when political strategy too often involves vilifying and defaming opponents instead of debating opposing points of view without coming to blows. Nothing illustrates that more than Tuesday’s vote in the House of Representatives to evict Kevin McCarthy from… Read more »
Pragmatic government now on endangered list
National politics isn’t our bailiwick, but here we are, risking a brickbat or two at a time when political strategy too often involves vilifying and defaming opponents instead of debating opposing points of view without coming to blows. Nothing illustrates that more than Tuesday’s vote in the House of Representatives to evict Kevin McCarthy from… Read more »
Keep those old leaves and put them to work
Most people who live in homes surrounded by trees would be expected to take the annual chore of clearing the yard of leaves in stride. But that’s not always the case in Ocean Pines, where the fall ritual is viewed as a major annoyance by some, while others need reminders about the rules of leaf… Read more »
Letter to the Editor
High costs of poor border policies Editor, I have been baffled for the last 2.5 years by the apparent acceptance by some Americans of the horrible things occurring here in America. I can only assume that approximately half the population is unaware of these matters, either from lack of curiosity or from watching media, which… Read more »
Farr must appreciate irony of his selection
Were it not such a ridiculous situation to begin with, one might appreciate the irony of Ocean Pines Association Director Rick Farr ascending to the presidency two years after his court fight to be recognized as a legitimate candidate was just getting underway. Even though Farr had been the top vote-getter in that summer’s election,… Read more »
Park lot’s value shifts with council opinions
Whatever is going on with the Berlin Town Council’s decision-making progress vis-à-vis Heron Park and the council’s possible desire to do something with the property, Palmer and Sandy Gillis aren’t happy with it. Nor should they be after Monday evening’s debacle when the deal they believed was hammered out a week earlier on parcel 57… Read more »
Letter to the Editor
Donate to Relay for Life to help eradicate cancer Editor, The Relay for Life is a slogan but most important it is an event sponsored by the American Cancer Society. This event is held yearly and gathers people from all walks of life, such as cancer survivors, caregivers, young, elderly, White, Black and every other… Read more »
Letter to the Editor
Palmer and Sandy Gillis speak out on Heron Park deal (The following was sent to the mayor and Town Council of Berlin). Dear Mayor and Council members, Monday’s Town Council meeting resulted in yet another failed agreement after at least a couple previous failures. As everyone already knows we have been negotiating on the purchase… Read more »
Pragmatism expected to guide new directors
It might be said of the last board of directors of the Ocean Pines Association that it presided over a local version of an era of good feeling, when even major disagreements, with a couple of exceptions, were dealt with in a business-like manner. As compared to some previous governing authorities in the community, these… Read more »