OPA directors make good legal decision
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em is what the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors seemed to say last Saturday when it chose local law firm Ayres, Jenkins, Gordy and Almand to be its new legal advisor. The decision to switch from the Bethesda firm of Lerch, Early & Brewer, which the board went… Read more »
Letter to the Editor
Size really matters for small towns Editor, Citizens of Berlin, Our Planning Commission is about to revisit the Comprehensive Plan for an update this year, and we are looking for public input. Berlin is under serious development pressure, mostly from outsiders who’s only interest in Berlin is to monetize our small town way of life…. Read more »
Letter to the Editor
Sports Complex not dead yet Editor, Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Mayor & City Council (M&CC) of Ocean City are hosting the Maryland Stadium Authority for a presentation of the Sports Complex Study. The event will take place at the convention center on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 1 p.m. As reported on the City… Read more »
Gazette Cartoon
Meetings law manual a guidebook, not law
As Berlin’s mayor and Town Council discuss how not to run afoul of Maryland’s open meetings law again, it ought to be said that their two violations were more accidental than intentional. It’s not as if they purposely scurried into some shadowy room and closed the door so they could scheme against the citizenry. They… Read more »
Gazette Cartoon
Mayor, council don’t have any good options
Maintaining that delicate balance between want, need and have is the primary assignment of elected officials, even though every one of them is likely to list this obligation as the most troubling. Although holding office does have its rewards — a little bit of prestige, public recognition and influence — all that goes out the… Read more »
Gazette Cartoon
School children learn about mass shootings
As parents become more vocal about what they believe children should be taught in school, they may not have given much thought to what their kids have been learning: that they can be shot in their classrooms for no reason. That has to be a more of a problem for young minds — and parents… Read more »