Giving credit where credit is due in OPA
As is usually the case, when something goes according to plan or exceeds expectations, the person at the top gets the credit. When the opposite occurs, and something goes awry or fails to achieve the expected results, the blame is assigned to that same individual. It’s just easier to do that than to think about… Read more »
Letter to the Editor
Backs funding for fire service Editor, I wanted to write in regards to the article in the paper where OPFD is asking for more money for staffing. As someone who has been an active first responder for the OCBP and the OCFD Dive Team, and has worked closely with these positions, let me share a… Read more »
Gazette Cartoon
Paid fire department will happen eventually
Ocean Pines, like many communities in this and other areas, might as well accept the idea and prepare for the eventuality of an all-paid fire and rescue service. Unless towns and communities revert to a way of thinking that has faded over the last 20 years, it’s going to happen at some point, as the… Read more »
Gazette Cartoon
Creating budgets now requires extra caution
Budgeting is nothing like it used to be for business or government, both of which these days have little choice but to proceed prudently while fervently hoping the year ahead doesn’t go sideways. The last two years certainly did, rendering useless many of the logical conclusions on which budgets are based. Time was, budget masters… Read more »