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Letter to the Editor

Questions Second Amendment focus Editor, Like the choking cloud of pollen that descends upon Delmarva every otherwise-perfect May morning, a cloud of confusion has enveloped our Worcester County elected officials just as we enter our first new-normal busy season. It seems that the Worcester County sheriff and several of his colleagues on the county commission… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Backs Second Amendment Editor, I had no intention of writing a letter to the editor until I read that shortsighted letter in the May 14 edition. A women was lambasting Worcester County Sheriff Matthew Crisafulli for making Worcester County a “sanctuary county.” She defined this by stating “a sanctuary for gun control.” She stated that… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Time for concessions on offshore wind Editor, Having owned a business in Ocean City for most of my life, I have trouble fathoming why the Mayor and city council are against offshore wind. The argument against seems to be that tourists will object to the view out to sea. The actual site is so far… Read more »

Gazette Editorial

Referendum results temporary situation Regardless of the spending limit referendum vote totals Friday, the one thing Ocean Pines residents and officials should acknowledge is that the results aren’t permanent. If anything, victory is temporary for whichever side won the argument over the board of directors’ authority to spend more than $1 million on a capital… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Criticizes Crisafulli gun sanctuary The following letter was sent to Worcester County Sheriff Matthew Crisafulli and forwarded to Bayside Gazette/Ocean City Today Dear Sir, I believe I voted for you when you ran in the last election. It won’t happen again if you persist in trying to declare Worcester County a sanctuary county. You have… Read more »

Gazette Editorial

Self-evaluation tough to share with others Considering the apparent but largely concealed turmoil on the Ocean Pines Board of Directors, it’s no wonder that two members have declined to participate in the self-analysis exercise proposed and developed by another director, Dr. Collette Horn. Regardless of how good her intentions might be — the goal is… Read more »