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Gazette Editorial

Academy can help inform our opinions If there’s one thing this country could use more of it would be civics lessons, which is why the Ocean Pines Academy and other programs like it are so important. Criticizing the administration of a community, county, state or the nation itself is something everyone has a constitutional right… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Response to fire company response Editor, After reading the response to the fact I called the fire house a storage unit, I stand corrected. According to the David VanGasbeck and Steven Grunewald it’s used to “house”  first-line firefighting equipment.  Please. I call it tomato you call it tamato. You can call it what you want…. Read more »

Gazette Editorial

Berlin budget process needs to be changed Berlin Town Council members who say the budget timing is a little off, in terms of announcing the tax rate, have a good point. Declaring the rate before analyzing the expenses is like deciding how much gas to put in the car before taking a trip of undetermined… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Questions criticism of north fire station Editor, The following responds to Al Keeney’s inaccurate characterization of the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department North Station. In contrast to Mr. Al Keeney’s highly inaccurate statements about the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department North Station, the North Station is far from a storage unit. A little background –… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Flag represents all Americans Editor, June 14 is a date that has always been special for me because of all the memories I have of America’s Flag Day. Our community had a celebration every year with picnics and presentations by troops of boy scouts and girl scouts of all flags associated with the history of… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Colby Phillips espouses sensitivity as superpower Editor, So in the recent report released by Ocean Pines on my complaint (which was only a small part of what I expressed to the attorney) I was deemed as being “too sensitive.” Look up sensitivity and you get this: “Sensitivity is a superpower. The opposite of sensitive is… Read more »

Gazette Editorial

Board should simply take care of business In their pursuit of a more harmonious relationship, the members of the Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors have agreed to critique their own performances and to hash out the results and their differences, presumably, in private. This desire to eliminate the interpersonal friction is laudable, even though… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Supports spending referendum in Pines Editor, The spending referendum to limit the board of directors to $1,000,000 without authority from referendum is definitely necessary. The directors seems to all have agendas to what they want to accomplish in their terms in office. Sometimes good for the whole community, sometimes good  for just a few. So… Read more »