OP Facebook group looks for change Editor, This letter was sent to the Ocean Pines Association directors and forwarded to Bayside Gazette. Dear directors, We wanted to introduce the Facebook group Ocean Pines- Get Involved to you. The purpose of the group Ocean Pines Get Involved (OPGV) and the intent and essence of this group… Read more »
Letters to the Editor
Praises work to remove litter Editor As a volunteer at the Ocean Pines Library, I often take the “back way” from Berlin and use Friendship Road to Cathell Road. Nice countryside drive with little traffic on a two-lane road. In the last few weeks, I have observed a man and maybe a few helpers gathering… Read more »
Gazette Editorial
Spending referendum wholly unnecessary Ocean Pines Association members will be asked at some point this spring whether the spending authority of the board of directors should be limited by requiring them to seek voter approval of any expenditure of $1 million or more. On the surface, this might not sound that unreasonable. After all, the… Read more »
Gazette Cartoon
Gazette Editorial
Town grows, but taxes can’t be set any lower The town of Berlin’s property tax rate might stay the same as last year, at 80 cents per $100 of assessed value, and if it does, the tax bills received by some property owners will be slightly more than they would be under the constant yield… Read more »
Gazette Cartoon
Gazette Cartoon
Letters to the Editor
Women’s History Month reflection Editor, At the beginning of Women’s History Month it is important for us to reflect on those intrepid women who stood, and stand, for equity and equality. This is particularly important in view of the most recent Ocean Pines Board of Directors nonsense reported in the Bayside Gazette last week. It… Read more »
Gazette Editorial
OP has a problem, but don’t worry about it After acknowledging that it has a problem, the Ocean Pines Board of Directors this week went on to lose whatever marbles it has left by committing publicly to work privately on a concern it won’t reveal, and thinking that’s just fine. One must assume that the… Read more »
Gazette Editorial
Time to clear the air Transparency is an overused word to describe an underused concept. That’s how it has seemed ever since governing officials and their constituents began to demand more of it in recent years. Yet, despite these pledges of more openness, the flow of information from authorities to the public has been increasingly… Read more »