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Letters to the Editor

Former director addresses OPA Editor, Once again, I feel as a former [Ocean Pines Association] director the need to speak out. This email is not solely focused on Colby Phillips but rather the toxic environment which has come to be again in OPA. Let’s talk about the facts. I was a director on the board… Read more »

Gazette Editorial

Codify what looks good Going before a planning commission is seldom enjoyable, but it’s less so when someone goes in believing he or she understands the rules only to discover that commission members have ideas of their own that aren’t in the code. That’s where the developer of an Auto Zone store on the site… Read more »

Letters to the editor


KKK-related print material found Editor, It is hard to believe we live in a community where recent KKK-related print materials were left in driveways of local residents of Berlin, Ocean Pines and West Ocean City. This is an affront, not just to those who received these hate-filled, scare-mongering missives, but to all of us who… Read more »

Sad summer with no Berlin Little League

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Just when we really needed a feel-good diversion from the extremely upsetting difficulties of our times, the one thing we normally could count on to unite our communities and give us something to cheer about has fallen victim to covid-19. To borrow from “Casey at the Bat,” there will be no baseball joy in Berlin… Read more »

Gulyas leaves council with honest appraisal

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As Berlin Town Councilman Thom Gulyas confessed in this week’s story about his resignation from the council, he thought he knew a great deal more about the workings of town government before he became a part of it in 2014. That’s when he realized how much he didn’t know and how much he had to… Read more »

Honoring heroes who take risks for others

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(Excerpted from an American Legion speech) Every crisis has new heroes. During the 9/11 attacks, they were the first responders running into burning and crumbling buildings as others ran out.  Now, during the Coronavirus pandemic, the most visible heroes are the health care professionals, who are saving others and risking their own lives while doing… Read more »

Constant yield rate discussion platform

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With the arrival of every new year and the government budget planning process that begins shortly thereafter, we hear the term “Constant Yield Rate.” Unfortunately, it’s frequently misrepresented as the gold ring that every budget planner should aim for, even though that is not the case. The constant yield rate is more of a budgetary… Read more »

Understandable why OPA took PPP loan

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Let’s face it: every revenue-dependent entity in this country, from penny-scrapers to industrial giants, are facing serious shortages of cash this year, and most of them are looking for help from the federal government. As of this week, the automobile industry is being considered for another federal relief package, the airline industry took a $25… Read more »